    Right to Information Helpline: 09718 100 180/189

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Details of the action taken on the Old Age and Widow Pension application

Public Information Officers

(Name of the Department)



Sub: Application under the RTI Act, 2005

I had made an application for Old age/ Widow Pension on …………….. in you department (copy of application is attached) .No satisfactory action has been taken on my application so far.

  1. Please provide the daily progress made on my application. Please give the names and designations of the officials with whom my application was lying during this period. Please intimate the periods when it was lying with which officer and what was the action taken by that official during that period.

  1. Kindly provide the list of names and designations of the officials who were supposed to take necessary action on my application but did not do so.

  1. Provide the details of the officials/employees (names, designation and address) responsible for the selection of the beneficiaries of the Old Age/widow pensions.

  1. According to the rules and regulations of your department what is the stipulated time within which the Old Age/widow pensions should be approved? Was this time limit adhered to in my case? If no, then provide the details of the official/employee with the name, address and designation, responsible for such discrepancy.

  1. What action will be taken against such officer/employee who shirks from work and causes problems for the people? When will this action be taken?

  1. Since when (date) did I start receiving my Old Age/widow pension?

  1. Provide a list of all applications which were received by the department after the receipt of my application. Mention the following details in the list:
    • Name of the applicant
    • Application number
    • Date of Application
    • Brief details of the action taken on the application (approved/disapproved/pending)
    • The reason for disapproval of the application
    • Date of action

8. Kindly provide a photocopy of that part of the records which contains the above mentioned particulars.

9. If an action has been approved out of turn after the receipt of my application, then provide an explaination for the same.

10. What are the eligibility criteria for Old Age/widow pensions? Kindly provide an attested copy of all the governing orders/directions regarding the same. Also provide the details of the process of selection of the beneficiaries of the Old Age/widow pensions.

I am depositing the application fee (Rs. 10/-) separately/ I am a BPL card Holder, so, I am exempt from payment of fee. My BPL card no. ....................../

If you feel that above requested information does not pertain to your department then please follow the provisions of section 6(3) of the RTI Act, 2005. Also as per the provisions of the RTI Act, 2005 please provide the details (Name & Designation) of the first appellate authority w.r.t to your department with the reply to the above request. where I may if required, file my first appeal.

Thanking you,



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