    Right to Information Helpline: 09718 100 180/189

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Inspection of work

Public Information Officers

(Name of the Department)



Sub: Application under the RTI Act, 2005

Please provide the following information:

1. Section 2(j)(i) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 gives a right to every citizen to inspect any work. I wish to inspect the following work. Please let me know the date, time and venue when I should come to inspect this work.

2. I would like to inspect the following documents related to this work at the time of inspection. These records should be made available to me for inspection when I come for inspection of the above work:

a. Measurement Book

b. Details of Estimates

c. Sketches

If I desire to take copies of any of the above documents or parts thereof, I would intimate the same after inspection. I request that the copies should be provided to me after charging prescribed fee.

Section 2(j)(iii) also gives a right to the citizens to take sample of material. I would like to take sample of material of the above work. The sample should be collected by the Department in my presence from the place of my choice and should be sealed and certified to be a true sample of material of that work.

I am depositing the application fee (Rs. 10/-) separately/ I am a BPL card Holder, so, I am exempt from payment of fee. My BPL card no. ....................../

If you feel that above requested information does not pertain to your department then please follow the provisions of section 6(3) of the RTI Act, 2005. Also as per the provisions of the RTI Act, 2005 please provide the details (Name & Designation) of the first appellate authority w.r.t to your department with the reply to the above request. where I may if required, file my first appeal.

Thanking you,



Phone No.:


Kanhu Charan Bhuyan said...

thank you for the sample

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