    Right to Information Helpline: 09718 100 180/189

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Details of Road repairs carried out

Public Information Officers

(Name of the Department)



Sub: Application under the RTI Act, 2005

The following is a list of roads:



Please provide me following information with respect to the above roads:

1. During the period 1.4.2000 to 31.1.05, how many times have repairs (both minor and major) been carried out on each of the above roads?

2. If the work was done departmentally, please provide the following information with respect to each such work:

a. Copy of relevant portion of stock register

b. Copy of relevant portion of labour register

c. Exact location of spots where the work was carried out

d. When was the work carried out

e. What was the method of repair?

f. What was the composition of material used?

3. If the work was done through a contractor, please provide the following information with respect to each such work:

a. Copy of measurement book (both abstract entries & record entries)

b. Copy of sketch

c. Copy of details of estimates

d. If there was any guarantee clause in the contract, copy of that portion of the contract which mentions this guarantee clause and the conditions in which this clause can be invoked.

e. Names of the Assistant Engineer and the Executive Engineer who inspected each of these works and passed payments. Which portions of these works were inspected by them?

f. Has the guarantee clause been invoked till now? If no, why despite the fact that the roads are in such bad condition.

4. The roads are totally broken these days. Please give reasons for the bad condition of each of these roads (please mention specific reasons for each road separately).

5. If any of the roads is broken due to water staying on the road, please intimate whether it is due to wrong camber or due to clogged drains?

6. If it is due to wrong camber how was the payment passed? What action will be taken against the engineer who inspected the road and let it pass like this?

7. If it is due to clogged drain, please provide following information from the CSE or any other department which dealt with it:

a. When were these drains cleaned during the above period?

b. Give copy of the measurement book of the cleaning carried out?

c. Please provide the names of the officials who inspected and passed the payments.

d. This means that these officials did not do their job properly. Their inaction has caused so much loss to the exchequer and so much inconvenience to the public. They are also guilty of criminal misconduct under section 13(1)(d) of Prevention of corruption Act. By when will action be taken against them?

8. The fact that these roads have broken shows that very bad material has been used in the roads. What enquiries will be made to ascertain the quality of the roads, fix responsibilities and in how much time will the enquiries be completed?

9. The payments seem to have been done fraudulently and the inspection carried out by the engineers was faulty. What enquiries will be instituted against the engineers who passed the payments and did faulty inspection?

10. I want to take sample of material of each of these roads under section 2(j)(iii) of the Right to Information Act, 2005. The sample should be collected from the place of my choice. It should be collected in my presence and should be sealed and certified. Please intimate me the date, time and venue where I should come to collect the samples.

11. When will these roads be repaired now?

I am depositing the application fee (Rs. 10/-) separately/ I am a BPL card Holder, so, I am exempt from payment of fee. My BPL card no. ....................../

If you feel that above requested information does not pertain to your department then please follow the provisions of section 6(3) of the RTI Act, 2005. Also as per the provisions of the RTI Act, 2005 please provide the details (Name & Designation) of the first appellate authority w.r.t to your department with the reply to the above request. where I may if required, file my first appeal.

Thanking you,



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