    Right to Information Helpline: 09718 100 180/189

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Details of Pending work in any Dept

Public Information Officers

(Name of the Department)



Sub: Application under the RTI Act, 2005

I had made an application for the following reason (copy of application is attached) but no satisfactory action has been taken on my application so far.

Please provide the following information with respect to the same:

  1. Please provide the daily progress made on my application.

  1. Please give the names and designations of the officials with whom my application was lying during this period. Please intimate the periods when it was lying with which officer and what was the action taken by that official during that period.

  1. Please give the proof of receipt and dispatch of my application in the office of each of these officials.

  1. According to your rules or citizens charter or any other order, in how many days should such a matter be dealt with and resolved. Please provide a copy of these rules.

  1. The above officials have not adhered to the time limit mentioned in these rules. Are these officials guilty of violating these rules and hence guilty of misconduct under their conduct rules. Please give a copy of their conduct rule, which they have violated by violating the above mentioned rule.

  1. These officials have caused serious mental injury to me by making me run around all this while. Are these officials guilty of causing mental harassment to the public?

  1. What action can be taken against these officials for violating all the above rules and for causing mental agony to the public? By when this action would be taken?

  1. By when will my problem be resolved now?

I am depositing the application fee (Rs. 10/-) separately/ I am a BPL card Holder, so, I am exempt from payment of fee. My BPL card no. ....................../

If you feel that above requested information does not pertain to your department then please follow the provisions of section 6(3) of the RTI Act, 2005. Also as per the provisions of the RTI Act, 2005 please provide the details (Name & Designation) of the first appellate authority w.r.t to your department with the reply to the above request. where I may if required, file my first appeal.

Thanking you,



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